Book: Luke

Good Samaritan Handout (part 2)

Luke 10:25-37

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Despair is the Prelude to Grace (pt.1)

Luke 8:40-56

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Sunday Morning Sermon

Jesus' Power Over Demons (pt.2)

Luke 8:26-39

by Pastor Edward Caballero

The power of Jesus over demonic forces & the protection of God's people from demons.

Sunday Morning Sermon

Jesus' Power Over Demons (pt.1)

Luke 8:30-39

by Pastor Edward Caballero

The presence of demons in creation, the power of demons over unregenerate man, the power of Jesus over demonic forces & the protection from demons for God's people.

Sunday Morning Service

The Women Who Ministered With Jesus

Luke 8:1-3

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Sunday Morning Service

The Greater The Forgiveness, The Greater The Love

Luke 7:36-50

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Exposition of Luke 7 with on-screen Verses and Study Notes.
Sunday Morning Sermon.

The Condemnation Of A Stubborn And Rebellious Generation

Luke 7:31-35

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Exposition of Luke 7:31-35.
Sunday Morning Sermon.

The Last Days of John the Baptist

Luke 7:18-30

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Exposition of Luke 7:18-30.
Sunday Morning Sermon.
