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Showing records 1 through 30.

The Final Battle

Rev 19:11-16

The God Who Covenants (pt 2)

Selected Scriptures

The Fall Feasts of Israel

Selected Scriptures

The Heavenly Hallelujah Chorus

Rev 19:1-10

Victory to the Humble (pt 2)

1 Pet 5:9-11

Lament for Babylon (part 2)

Rev. 18:9-24

Victory to the Humble (pt1)

1 Pet 5:6-8

The Shepherd & the Host: Images in Psalm 23

Ps 23:1-6

Special adult Bible class presentation on the imagery of Ps 23. The class incorporated a PowerPoint presentation.

Grace for the Humble

Prov. 3:27-35

Lament for Babylon (part 1)

Rev. 18:1-8

The God Who Covenants (pt 1)

Selected Scriptures

Explanation of the Beast & the Woman

Rev 17:7-18

Introduction to the 3rd Vision

Rev. 17:1-6

Suffering for Righteousness' Sake (part 3) SIDEBAR

1 Pet. 4:17; Ezek. 9; Mal. 3:1-4

Armageddon & the 7th Bowl

Rev 16:13-21

SIDEBAR: 1 Pet 4:14 & Isaiah 11

Isa 9-12

Suffering for Righteousness' Sake (pt 1)

1 Peter 4:12-14

The Song of Zacharias - The Abrahamic Covenant Part III

Luke 1:67-80, Genesis 22

The First 6 Bowls of Wrath

Rev. 16:1-12

Giving Your All to the End (part 2)

1 Peter 4:10-11

Introduction to the Sevel Bowls

Rev. 15:1-16:1
