The Book of Genesis

Pastor Scott expounds the book of Genesis verse by verse with Visual Outline Charts and Study notes on screen for added context.

The Descendants of Esau

Genesis 36

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Genesis 36 Exposition.
Sunday Evening Sermon.

The Promise Comes into Peril at Shechem

Genesis 34:1-31

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Genesis 34 flyover.
Evening Bible Study.

Genesis 35: The Burial of Idols

Genesis 35:1-7

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

The God of grace calls us to be done with all rivals, and renew our worship of Him alone.

Wrestling for the Blessing

Genesis 32:22-32

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Jacob's wrestling with God shows how the blessing of God's promises are best seen in the light of our weakness.
Sunday Morning Sermon.

I've Got A Deal You Can't Refuse

Genesis 29

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Expositional Bible Study: Jacob's Introduction to Laban's World, Jacob & Laban's Negotiations for Marriage, The Deceptive Giving Away of the Bride, Re-negotiations for Marriage to Rachel.

Sunday Evening Service

The Blessed Assurance of Jacob's Ladder

Genesis 28:10-22

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Our Gracious God Knows How To Encourage Us With The Reality Of His Presence And The Power Of His Promise.
Sunday Morning Service.

The Begetting of a New Generation

Genesis 25:1

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Mother's Day 2019
Genesis 25 - God's great plan often takes us on a journey of painful prayer and unexpected answers as He brings about His will.

Sunday Morning Service

The Final Days of Abraham

Genesis 23-25

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Genesis 23:1-25:11 The Death of Issac's Parents & Beginning of His Own Family: Sarah's Death & Abraham's First Plot Purchase, The Search for a Wife For Issac, and the Death of Abraham.
Sunday Morning Sermon.

The Conflicts of Abraham

Genesis 21-22

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Video Sermon with Visual Outline Chart & Bible Maps on-screen. Genesis 21-22: The Conflict Between Abraham and Abimelech, The Sojourning of Abraham, and Isaac the Son of Promise.

Sunday Evening Sermon/Study.

The Lord Himself Will See To It (pt.3)

Genesis 22:1-19

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Exposition of Genesis 22:1-19.
Sunday Morning Sermon.

The Lord Himself Will See To It (pt.2)

Genesis 22:1-20

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Exposition of Genesis 22.
Sunday Morning Sermon.

The Path Of The Patriarch: Abraham's Journeys

Genesis 12-25

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

An Overview of Genesis 12-25.
Sunday Evening Sermon/Study.

The Lord Himself Will See To It (pt.1)

Genesis 22:1-9

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Exposition of Genesis 22.
Sunday Morning Sermon.

Bargaining for the Birthright

Genesis 25:27-34

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Jacob traps Esau into giving away his birthright for a bowl of soup. This shows us how God's great plan for His people will not be stopped, even by our hurtful, selfish sins along the way.

Sunday Morning Sermon

The Saga of the Son

Genesis 25-26

by Pastor Scott Bashoor

Ishmael's descendants, outside the covenant: Genesis 25:12-18, The early drama of Jacob & Esau: Genesis 25:19-34, Conflict between Isaac & Abimelech: Genesis 26:1-35, and the Transitional conflicts with Esau foreshadowed: Genesis 26:34-35. With added Visual Outline Charts & Moody Bible Maps for greater context.

Sunday Evening Sermon
