Speaker: Pastor Edward Caballero

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by Pastor Edward Caballero

Handout: The Corruption of Man

by Pastor Edward Caballero

The Holiness of God's Children (part 2)

1 John 3:3

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Notes on 1 Peter 1:7-9

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Handout - 1 Peter 1:6

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Adult Bible Class

Family Bible Study - Jesus Understands Humans

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Consolation of Israel - Bible Study Handout

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Midweek Family Bible study handout

03-03-2021 Bible Study

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Midweek Bible Study - Alienated

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Handout: 1 Peter 1:5

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Midweek Handout: Sin Alienates

by Pastor Edward Caballero

1 Peter 1:4 Handout

1 Peter 1:4

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Adam & Eve--Midweek Study 2021-01-20

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Bible Class Handout 01-06-2021

by Pastor Edward Caballero

1 Peter 1:3 Handout

1 Peter 1:3

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Handout on 1 Peter 1:1-2

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Song of Mary HANDOUT

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Handout for midweek Bible study

Intro to First Peter

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Good Samaritan Handout (part 2)

Luke 10:25-37

by Pastor Edward Caballero

2020-11-11 Family Bible Study

by Pastor Edward Caballero


by Pastor Edward Caballero

Bible Study Handout 2020-09-20

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Book of Daniel Recap

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Daniel 11 (part 1)

Daniel 11

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Pastor's Vlog: The Triumphal Entry

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Despair is the Prelude to Grace (pt.1)

Luke 8:40-56

by Pastor Edward Caballero

Sunday Morning Sermon

Jesus' Power Over Demons (pt.2)

Luke 8:26-39

by Pastor Edward Caballero

The power of Jesus over demonic forces & the protection of God's people from demons.

Sunday Morning Sermon

Jesus' Power Over Demons (pt.1)

Luke 8:30-39

by Pastor Edward Caballero

The presence of demons in creation, the power of demons over unregenerate man, the power of Jesus over demonic forces & the protection from demons for God's people.

Sunday Morning Service

Sitting at the Feet of Wisdom


by Pastor Edward Caballero

For Father's Day 2019, Pastor Edward Caballero gives us 10 lessons a Godly man should study, practice and teach from select scriptures in the book of Proverbs.
